Sunday, May 4, 2014

Branson, Wichata, Canon City.

Thursday , Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday 2 & 3 May, 2014

We took the motor home (Boomer Bus) to Branson  Motor Coach Co in Branson  and had the front end balanced again and everything inspected before we got on the road.  It seems to be much better, but I think I feel just a little vibration still in the right side. .We stopped at the “Hard Rock Hotel- Casino-Conference Center” in Tulsa, OK for a souvenir and then  headed to Wichita, KS to find a Wal-Mart or similar to spend the night  . We found a  Wal-Mart in a neighborhood area but it was a Market Place type instead of a full service, so we parked in an adjacent parking lot. It wasn’t as lighted as Wal-Mart’s was.
                                      Hard Rock Hotel-Casino-Conference Center, Tulsa, OK

During the night some one  (a few people I believe) tried to steal the truck. They cut one of the safety cables with something similar to a monstrous set of bolt cutters. It was a clean cut on a 7 strand cable.. Nita heard talking and when she got up and raised a shade they left .  Guess we’re lucky, because the truck was locked and I had locks on the hitch, BUT, with a set of bolt cutters like that, they would have succeeded it stealing it. I didn't notice the cut cable until Friday.


We left Wichita early morning  and headed  for Canon City,  CO. We saw a lot of active and idle oil derricks in the farmlands and some desolate, barren  fields.  I don’t think I could live in an area like this. Farmhouses are miles apart, and there is nothing to see but empty treeless from horizon to horizon. Even Interstate exits were sometimes 15 to 20 miles apart, with no service anywhere unless you got off the “I” and drove to some small town miles away from the road. The “rest stops” were exactly that. A place to pull off the Interstate and use a Port -a- Potty.  I’ve  just never seen anything so dry and barren. GOD knows when they last had a rainfall.

Virgil Burke and I were stationed together in VF-101 in Key West, FL back in 1965 and have kept in contact with each other since. I saw him while on a tour with the Naval Safety Center in 1981. We were evaluating and inspecting OSHA  safety procedures in effect at the European Naval  Aviation Installations. Virg was stationed at Naval Air Station, Sigonella, Sicily, Italy  as the Assistant Weapons Officer. I had the opportunity  to really enjoy visiting him and family there  and it’s a distinct pleasure visiting him now. He also came to VA Beach in @2005 on his motorcycle, all the way from Canon City.  He and I drove  to Washington DC for a few “tourist” tours to include "

We arrived at Virg & Peggy’s home around 6 PM or so , Virg  sent us a map which was quite specific and understandable, but he met us on the main highway (CO 9) which was a super idea.  It was an interesting yet beautiful drive  with cows and deer along  the 11 mile drive from Hwy 9 and the 31 miles from  Canon City to his home, Up and down mountains (foot hills),  gaining elevation until we reached 8,200 ft.  and then his home sits on a hill, plus it’s a two story . Huff, puff, if I had had to walk up hill to it. Steep driveway. LOL, but it is a beautiful  home,  I think he said  he had 35 acres as well.

 Peg  is a wonderfully warm gracious host who welcomed us with open arms and a hug. “Gosh” we’re  huggers too so we felt right at home. Virg grilled four tender, delicious  “Omaha” steaks ’ and we feasted. After a few hours, we were “done in“. We had been on the road for fourteen hours. I knew we would sleep tonight, and we did..

He talks about the wild animals that are  in the area. He is 11 miles from the highway  ( and one   mile or so  from his mailbox), and neighbors are spread wide and far.   Grey colored mule deer graze in the  the fields  and along the road. There are also   bears, badgers, Prairie Dogs, Elk and plenty of the normal, i.e. rabbits, chipmonks, etc. in the area. We have seen only the deer and Prairie dogs.

The sky was a bit overcast , there is a breeze and the temperature drops down to mid 40 ties at night. Sure is dark out here. On a clear night, it would be only stars to light up the area..

SATURDAY, we ventured out and drove the triangle (see map and photos) and visited some beautiful mountains, bison farms and unique settlements (cities ?) It , was too late for Pike’s Peak and  Garden of the GodS, but we’ll get there Monday or Tuesday.

                                                        Buffalo Farm
                                                                   population 100?
                                                      Friendly Biker
                                                                      $4.50 per Gal gas
                                                        The triangle
SUNDAY, we took a train ride from Canon City to and  through the Royal Gorge Canyon and marveled at the shear cliffs, rocks, and the Royal Gorge Bridge. We could see it only from the canyon floor and hope to visit it later. There were several White Water Rafters in their kayaks’ and rafts enjoying the rapids in the river along the train track.  Sunday evening we just “chilled out”
                                                           In first class observer deck
                                                        Royal Gorge Bridge. tallest in USA
                                                              Arkansas River

                                                                 Open air rail car.

MONDAY.  Off to the PO to get Nita’s  Express Mail, but no luck. They couldn’t find it but did say that it had left Bay Minette. We have to check later. We drove out to visit the Royal Gorge Bridge but it was still under rework since the fire that destroyed 48 of the 52 buildings located there and damaged the bridge structure some time ago. So we decided to drive down  to visit Cripple Creek, a gold  and silver mining town.. Sadly enough, there wasn't anything going on there. Most tourist ventures don’t start until May 28th or so. There were gambling casinos every where you looked that were open 24/7. They just ruined the town. So we had lunch and left.

We did have some excitement on the way there. We took a route that’s called “shelf road” and that’s exactly what it is--a road built on a shelf (ledge) cut on the side of the mountains between  canon City and Cripple Creek. It was exactly that, a narrow winding and hazardous  road along the  the mountain side . Meeting another car ( 2 actually) presented a rather tricky and dangerous  situation. I had to back up and edge close to the mountain side so they could squeeze by. Unfortunately, Nita had turned off the dash cam so we don’t have that part  recorded. We did record meeting them, but for some reason it won't upload.

TUESDAY. Nita chipped a tooth yesterday which became sensitive and painful so Virg made her an appointment with their dentist. While she was there I bought a new set of tires for the truck. I didn’t tell her how afraid (cautious) I was traversing the mountain yesterday. A couple places I felt some slipping and sliding and I knew the tires had a lot of wear on them. There wasn’t much tread on them. The new ones have a much better grip and should be OK when we go four wheeling. Tonight was dinner with Virg and Peg as we will leave in the morning.

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