Saturday, May 10, 2014

Clif Dwellings & USAF Chapel

Saturday, 10 May 2014

The day started with a decision not to drive toward Jackson, WY and the Teton Mountains. A fellow RV'er said there was a storm brewing in that area with heavy snow storms and freezing weather. So we decided to stay here in Colorado Springs until it passes.

So, off to the ancient Cliff Dwellings village for a visit. The dwellings are basically a village of homes built into the side of the mountains by the Ancient Anasazi Indians. It is a relocated village from the mountains to this location for preservation and tourists. Most of it is (seems to be) original adobe bricks & mud, but you can see the reconstruction and added cement? or plaster mud. But, it was a good representation and very interesting to see all of it. Hope you enjoy the photos.
                                                   Spirit Meeting Pit(room)& Watch tower
                                                                     Spirit Pit

                                                       Storage Bins Inside
                                                          Four  Family Abode
                                                    Three family Abode

There were a couple of Wolves on display.  The owners said that it took years to train them to accept humans and become docile. Yet, they probably still had the "call of the Wild" in them.. You know; Can't take the country out of a country girl. I feel that they  added a bit of excitement and education for the tourists. The handler had his hands full with the male while  the female just lay'ed around. They have four wolves, three males and the female, Waya.  She is the oldest and the alpha wolf and the leader of the pack.  One of the males will eventually take the lead.  Indian legend says that the hair (fur) of the wolf is good luck.  As Ghost was walking his trainer around, he was sheding "good luck" all over the parking lot, and I now  have a little container of "good luck".
Male, Ghost
 Anita with Waya
Jesse with Ghost

With nothing else to do, we visited the USAF Chapel that is located in the academy area of the base The academy is separate from the general population since  their entire curriculum is academics, sports and training. They are not hampered by the general population like most training commands aboard  Naval bases are. The Navy needs to learn from the USAF.

The base is approximately 10 miles long and seven or eight miles wide and  all the facilities are really spread out . The academy is approximately five miles from the base exchange, berthing and commissary area which is five miles from the North gate and about the same from the South gate. The Family Campground  and the football stadium is right in the middle of it all. The airfield is on the extreme South end of the base.

There are security check points located before you get to any of the non family areas as well as at the gates where you have to produce an ID card to pass through.

An All Purpose Chapel

                                                   Protestant/ Jewish/Booda/ chapel
                                                              Protestant Side Windows
                                                             Protestant  Overhead Arches
                                                                Catholic  Chapel
                                                           Catholic Chapel  Side Windows
                                                     Protestant Organ
Photo of area behind chapel when completed
Harmon Hall Aircraft Display 
Although we have been delayed in our travels, we made the right decision to stay here until the weather improves.

We decided to not go up Pikes Peak. Many posted  signs indicated that if you have a pulmonary problem or have other problems that make you dizzy, don't go without a doctors OK. That plus two attempts gave me an eerie feeling that I wasn't supposed to go. So, we didn't.  I always wanted to go up there, but after the signs and talking with someone who had passed out because of his problems, I think I made the right decision.

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