Thursday, May 29, 2014

Post # 42 Fort Nelson to Laird River

Thursday May 29, 2014
Up and away early since we planned to travel to Whitehorse in the Western part of B.C.. Engine warning light came on with no explanation.  After a few minutes it changed to “check Status panel” Still no clue. Finally just went out and wouldn’t come back on. So we fueled up with a truckers discount given  us by the campground.
dirty, filthy truck
Big sign to alert  us of bison and deer  and wildlife on highway. Must be a ad  promo
 cause we never see them. We did eventually see some more bears, mountain goats, bison and a fox on the road.
Half way between Fort nelson and White horse the “stop engine light” came on. So I pull over, shut down and open engine bay doors. Anti freeze is spewing all over the place .and water reservoir is empty. Knew it was full when we started out this AM as I always check everything every morning. Let engine cool off some and add antifreeze and water. Crank up and it started spewing again. We were just 2kM from a lake and campground and hot springs. Filled it up and took off for the campground. Made it to the hill across from campground gate.
Used  the land phone at the gate since we didn't have a signal on our cell phones.  Made arrangements with Good Sam for towing. Went back and started troubleshooting and found problem. Small hose from reservoir to engine had broken (busted). Repaired it and added more antifreeze. ( a mechanic passer by had 1 and ½ gallons  and I bought that from him. Actually he gave it to me but I insisted he take some money for it. ).  Found  out later that the passerby was actually the husband of the park manager and was the superintendent of that section of the highway between White hall and Fort Nelson.
 So far engine seems to be OK. Find out tomorrow. Got a site in the campground for the night. Such a sweet and wonderful girl at the gate. Her name is Stephanie ( I think) and she really went out of her way to help me. Told me not to arrange for towing, let Good Sam do it. She said the locals would charge me up to around $5000, to tow it to Whitehorse, Yukon. UGH AND WOW!!!.
I believe GOD was again watching over us. We broke down in the only place within 150 miles where I could get help. I had no more antifreeze, our phones didn't have a signal and no one was stopping to see if we needed help. I was able to get it to the pullover immediately across the highway from the entrance to the park. THANK YOU FATHER.
The Liard River Hot Springs Park is a Provincial (State)  Campground and  a Hot Springs,  so we took advantage of the hot springs  for about an hour or so. One end the water stream was around 120 degrees and the other end around 100 degrees. OH MY GOD!  was it ever wonderful. Not a strong Sulpher smell but it was so relaxing I could have taken a nap. They recommend a maximum of 20 minutes per session.
The area has a bog river running through that has a really small fish the can tolerate the warm water. Plus the Caribou come there to eat the warn bog grass for the extra energy they get from it. Naturally, we didn’t see any nor did we have the camera with us.
tomorrow we will head for Whitehorse again

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