Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Branson-Last Day


What a wonderful show we saw this evening. It was called "Shoji Tabuchi". That's the fiddler's name and he is  Japanese born  and raised. He  met Roy Acuff  while he was in Japan  on  tour. He fell in love with  country and bluegrass music  after he watched Roy play and sing and while he was taking violin lessons. He  vowed to come to America to learn it. Roy invited him to come see him after he got here. After college he and a friend did just that. He studied to become an American citizen and he has loved this country since the begining.

He played all types of music that included bluegrass, country, pop, classical, 30 ties, 70 ties, Christmas, Japanese, and some really old time tunes. What a magnificent host and musician. He shared the stage with his daughter who was also sensational. She had been on performing on  stage since she was 5 years old. She appeared to be in her mid 20 ties and was expecting her first child. She had spent some time in Nashville getting lessons.

I don't think I've ever seen someone so rapt in his love. Just watching him perform I could tell he was intense and really loved what he was doing. You could feel it in the air.

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