Sunday, April 27, 2014

Branson Missouri

26 April, 2014

FRIDAY. We arrived yesterday (Thursday) after a "bumpy" ride from Springfield due to the (unbalanced tires/loose front end???) or whatever it is. A friend who is here with us looked at the tires and said they appear to be "out of round". The yellow dot is not lined up with the valve stem. Said it is critical for motor home tires. Monday or Tuesday, I going to try re balancing them  one more time before losing my mind .LOL. If that fails, we just may wait here until the 6th and get the front end checked again.

Branson is a city in two conjoined counties in the Ozark Mountains. The city was named after Rueben Branson,postmaster and operator of a general store in the area in the 1880's. 

 We drove  around Thursday  afternoon looking for the theaters' where we have tickets so we wouldn't have to do it on the day we are going there to see a show.  Interesting city. It's built in the mountains and there aren't any level streets here. It's all hills. The main drag (street) has most of the theaters and clubs so the traffic just crawls, especially since they're repairing and paving. Traffic barriers are everywhere. The city is slowly developing new areas where business can expand and help relieve the traffic problem. The new areas are four lanes to ease the traffic flow. Below is a couple photos of theaters in the area.
Titanic Museum

                                                         White House Theater

We enjoyed a stage production of "Jonah" at the "Sight & Sound Theater" early evening. It was a fantastic acting and singing  production of the Biblical story of Jonah and the Whale. The play originated in Lancaster, PA and was brought here at a cost of $17 million and will return to PA after one year. The stage props were absolutely gorgeous and included many live animals that included Burro's, alpacas, Camels, Llamas, horses, goats, African Cow,etc. Moving them about was an engineering marvel. The story followed the Bible, in that Jonah was tasked to take a message to Nineva that they would be destroyed in 40 days, if they did not repent. Jonah went elsewhere to avoid the evil King. The whale and the scene were just spectacular. The play ended in an added flair by everyone repenting and being saved by GOD.  This is a wonderful way to spread the Christian message.  Their motto is "Where the Bible comes to life".

                                                  Lion and the Lamb


Today (Saturday) brought some rain showers in the morning and some clearing up in the afternoon. It was crisp in  the AM and warm the PM. short sleeve weather. AAAHHH. We went to the "Dixie Stampede", a show designed and owned by Dolly Parton. Fantastic and wonderful. It was a dinner show and the food was served "finger  food " style. The menu was Rotisserie Chicken, Hickory Smoked Barbecue Pork Loin, Corn on the cob, Original Creamy Vegetable Soup, Hot Biscuit, Herb-Basted Potato and Flaky Apple Pastry and your choice of water, tea or soft drink."  The sceneiro  of the show was for two sides to compete against each other. The arena was split-one side North and the other- South. All performance was a competition. There was barrel riding racing  competition, carriage races, pig races, buffalo round up, circled wagon singing with log sawing, pole climbing  and water bucket carrying. Certainly an evening of just plain fun for the entire family and one of the more patriotic performances we've seen. GOD Bless Dolly

"Dixie Stampede" originated when Dolly Parton's ancestors moved to Branson in the late 1800's and started a buggy/carriage manufacturing plant. As a competitive past time he started a race to see who could build the best carriage. He won it for the first nine years and then lost to Lee Parton. Turns out that Lee was a female named Dixie Lee, so he courted her and they married. He then re named the race "Dixie Stampede". The tradition  was passed down to Dolly. She built the business in honor of her ancestors and gave it it's name.

Some of the profits go to a free book for all newborns in both counties and continues with a book each month through their fifth year in hopes the mother will read to the child and get them interested in reading early in life. Her mother read to her a lot and spurred her on. Her program is now in several countries and they have given away over 50 million books.What a program and what a humanitarian she is.
                                       Belgian, one of the wagon horses, over 2,000 lbs.
                              Friesian, from the Netherlands beautiful, graceful and nimble for his size.

The show was wonderful, included races, trick riding, singing, dancing and even a pig race.  Very entertaining.

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