Tuesday, September 1, 2015

2015-08-12 Bar Harbor, Maine

2015-08-12 Bar Harbor, Maine

Along Rte 1 from Calaus, ME, where we crossed the border was Wild Blueberry Farm, a unique place that harvested wild blueberries and used them to prepare syrups, pastries and other food items. Naturally we stopped to see their wares and buy some.
The border. Lok at all the cameras and wasted space.We need these on our Southern Border.

Interesting artistic monument

Masonic Lodge

Queen of the land

King of the Land

 Our first  destination   was Bar Harbor. We had left the motor home at  Walmart’s  in Ellsworth, and drove the truck since we knew there would be a lot of traffic on the road, and it was. We drove down to the Bar Harbor Village Center where we could watch the outgoing tide expose the rocky bottom of the inlet and the people who walked across it to a small island in the middle of the inlet.

For  lunch, we ate at a city dock restaurant and had a very delicious and large serving of Haddock and fries and a serving of Lobster Bisque which was also delicious. The tourist boats were still in port due to a lingering fog bank just offshore and in the inlet.

In our drive around the area we found the modified Masonic Lodge that had a play called “Sylvia” for that evening. Loving that kind of venue we purchased tickets for it and “WOW!” what a surprise we had. The skit was about a person who found a stray dog, "Sylvia", in the park and brought it home and the confrontation he had with his wife. It was absolutely hilarious throughout, yet it portrayed a message about sharing and understanding that we all could entertain. Supposedly a "sorta true" story. The writer had a dog he could figure out by her actions.

The actress who played Slyia was extremely talented and was enjoyable to watch and listen to.

"Sylvia" is on the right

Husband, Wife & Sylvia

 As we were about to leave Walmat’s, Len and Leah, friends we had known in Chesapeake saw the Boomer Bus and came a” knockin”. They had relocated to Ellsworth to care for her elderly mother and father in their final days. After a really nice visit we drove to a small road side  restaurant and had one of the biggest Lobster Rolls I’ve seen yet. Then, on the road again.

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