Monday, August 31, 2015

2015-08-08 South Maitland and Bay of Fundy-Tidal Bore Area

2015-08-08 South Maitland and Bay of Fundy-Tidal Bore Area

After a nice drive down from Pictou we arrived at South Maitland just as the tide was changing from low to incoming (Bore tide). We were able to park next to the Shubenacadie River and watched the running tide. I’ve never seen a tide run so fast. It went from zero water in the river to four feet inside an hour and it was still rising when we stopped for the day. Now I can’t wait to see it tomorrow at high tide and see if I can measure it. Some of the below photos will help visualize it.

We saw about 13-14 small rubber  type boats with seven people per boat come up the river as it deepened. Three of them emptied in front of us and the people walked to their vehicles in the parking lot. Apparently they left from here for the ride and were returning. They had to slog through the mud from high tide and were a bit wet from their boat ride.

3 foot & Rising

Wallering in the mud

Bay of Fundy

Coming in quickly

1 Hour age it was dry.

Headed Home

Four Feet & Rising

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