Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Post 07-02-2014. Anchorage-Aviation Museum

Post 7-02-2014  Anchorage Aviation Museum

As decided, we went to the Aviation Museum to learn more about the Alaska Pilots and see some of the museum pieces. Yesterday, we watched a movie about WWII and the fight over the Aleutians with Japan. Did you know that Japan actually invaded Alaska and we had  to send the military to defend and eradicate.  It isn't well known that we lost American soldiers to a foreign enemy on American soil.

So today we focused on the pilots that made aviation history in Alaska. Since I hadn't read about any of them I really can't remember their names. But I did find it most interesting.

Did you know that Will Rogers was killed in a plane crash in Point Barrow, Alaska along with his pilot, Wiley Post. Wiley was the first person to fly around the world, twice, solo. I didn't, or, never thought about it.

Roy Rogers at the monument--not related (Roy was born  Leonard Sly)

There were also plaques and photos of the first Alaskan native to learn to fly. Her name was Ellen Paneok and her record is below.

Ellen's parka flying suit.

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