Sunday, June 22, 2014

Post # 6-22 Sunday June 22, 2014 Denali and Traveling To Talkeetna

6-22. Sunday June 22, 2014 Denali and Traveling to Talkeetna

Oh!, it such a beautiful day . The first thing we did was drive out to Savage River to see if we could see Mt McKinley. Kim had showed us where we could view it along the park road. She was right just like yesterday. GOD blessed us with the most stunning view we could ask for, the clouds were not blocking our view. We were now in the 30 Percent Club. I think I mentioned that only 30 percent of the visitors to Denali National Park see the mountain when they visit. Well!. We made it
The majestic Mt McKinley

We met a couple of other visitors at one of the pull offs that were there for the first time also.  Spencer and Greta were visiting from Minnesota. He took the below picture for us.We have met some of the nicest people  on our travels
Spencer and Greta
Guess who?
A volunteer dog walker/jogger told us she was completing paperwork to adopt the dog.

Another dog jogger/walker
Catherine and Carpa
The Treeasaurasusrex (lol)

 On the return trip out of the park we stopped and  took a short walk through  the woods to a ranger cabin that is used during the winter months when they have to use a dog sled to make their patrols and if they should get snowed in from unexpected snow falls. they are fully equipted with all they need to survive and stay comfortable. But of course, no electricity or water is provided. Plenty of snow to make water and there were lanterns in the cabin. the windows had nails driven through pointing out to prevent bears from getting in.

Nails protruding through the window boards

Inside the cabin

                                               Fresh Moose Poop on a trail (another story about moose poop later)
Caribou in a river bed
Denali Village 

Denali Village

Denali Village

Then, off we go toward Talkeetna for our next sojourn. The road was good, traffic was minimal, the sky was clear so we could Just  putt along at 55 mph. We did have some construction along the way. That's just life in the summer--fix the roads. Here, they have to remove the pavement and start over , building the foundation with rocks and then pave it. Amazing job they do.. there were areas where you could see Mt McKinley quite clear. In fact the view was not only much more clear but it was actually closer and the viewing was from a little different direction. We stopped  at The Denali State Park North Viewing /parking/camping area since we could observe the mountain clearly.
Mt McKinley

"Boomer" sight seeing-What mountain?

Boomer's guide

While there, a couple of fellow travelers stopped for the night as well. Bejorn and Rebecca (mispelled) were from Switzerland. they custom built their motor home with two generators, water filters and purifier system and the comforts of home. They have traveled extensively for several years and have registration tags of countries they have visited mounted  for viewing. I saw some from South American countries such as Columbia, Chile and Peru  There were Germany, Belgium, and virtually all the European and Mediterranean countries. They shipped their camper to Halifax, Nova Scotia and  came here by way of New York, East Coast to Florida and now here. They plan to travel to California and down the West Coast before deciding their next sojourn.
Millions of these around and the one below

We stopped at a Veteran's Memorial and gave our respects to all honored there.
There was one for each branch of service including the Coast Guard and Merchant Marines and another  for the Alaskan Defense Force the remained behind for  WWII

The back of below statue.

*^^&*(&$# Vandels broke the arm. Grrr!

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