Friday, June 13, 2014

Post # 51 Fairbanks--Antique Car Museum

Friday, June 13, 2014

Glory be-today is Friday the 13th. We got up our normal time, around 8:30 AM, had coffee, breakfast and headed out to meet the day. Since it was still daylight from yesterday, we had to check the clock to ensure it is morning. LOL. Anyway, it is a bit cloudy and rain showers are expected, so we decided to visit an indoor tourist attraction. Searching through the flyers, we decided on the Alaska Antique Car  Museum. But first, we had to go to the main Post Office in Fairbanks and pick up my Express Mail which had my medications from Ann and down to the North Pole to pick up Nita's from Jake.

The car museum was really not what we expected.  There were oldies and there were the "older than oldies".  They had an 1898 "Hay Motor Vehicle" which is a  6 cylinder with a two speed transmission that would do 6 mph.  They also had a 1936 Packard with a 16 cylinder engine that would go 99 mph and everything in between. Every car they had was capable of running and they drove them in some of Fairbanks parades. Plus, they had a workshop for rebuilding any they had, and had in fact rebuilt most of them. That was really amazing. And, they only display 60% of their cars at any given time.  Another fact, all the cars were purchased and driven in Alaska, only in Alaska.   Along with the car, a clothing manufacturer set up dresses and some men's suits  corresponding with the year of the car and style of the car (rich clothing with expensive cars, i.e. gowns with cadillacs, etc). Most were really gorgeous.  

There were also several movies of the cars being operated in the years they were manufactured and afterwards which we found to be fascinating. Really odd watching movies that are over 100 years old.

This snow traveling machine failed to measure up, it used more gas than it could carry.

Ford Engine modified to accommodate a saw

Hay Motor vehicle

1899 Hertel

Car Specs

Antique Bicycle

Clothing of the era-1890's

Hertle two cyclinder

1936 Packard, the newest model in the museum.
1934 packard

Gowns in 1920 They were specially ordered and made by Fortunny Delphos of Venice, Italy. No two were made alike and only he could clean them as he had the secret of how to impart the special pleat of the material. He died with the secret. Each one costs $125 at the time. Value now would be $1500. or more

1918 Ford Truck

1904 Buck Mobile

1903 Toledo

1933 Auburn

Is is coming or going?

1923 Ford

1920 Argonne

1920 era dress coat with beatle sequins, yes real beatle wings in the coat!

1907 White Steamer

We're all dressed up and ready to go for a ride!

1907 ford Roadster

We were looking for the University Large Animal Studies and found the reindeer nursery.

Reindeer at the University of Alaska

We never did find the Muskox, we found their pen, but they weren't there.


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