Sunday, August 31, 2014

Post 8-31-2014 Barkerville

Post 8-31-2014  Barkerville, BC

We left Hyder and started heading South on hwy 37 toward Prince George knowing we weren’t going to get that far, and we didn’t. We stopped in Smithers, BC  and had dinner at a place that  Shirley Rosichuk at the  Stewart Museum  in Stewart recommended. Hudson Bay Lodge was a rather large place with a couple bar/restaurants that had several TV’s for sports watching.  Their special for the day was Schnitzel’s so we shared a Cordon Bleu Schnitzel   that was out of this world delicious along with a Caesar Salad  and coffee. Thank you Shirley for the recommendation.

Getting back on the road in darkness , something sorta new to us again,  we stopped  the first place where we could call it a day. I really don’t want to drive at night anymore. My eyes aren’t as clear as they used to be. My cataracts are growing and my Ophthalmologist said he would remove them after my next office call. We got as far as Telkwa, BC. It was after nine PM and we were very lucky to get the last spot in an RV park. There was a baseball tournament going on in Talkwa and the RV Park was fully booked but someone didn’t show before nine so he gave it to us. Thank you LORD. Arising and away fairly early, we drove to Prince George and stopped at Wally World for some needed groceries.

While driving we saw a roadside sign advertising  a  historic Gold Rush Town called “Barkerville” that had restored everything and was now a tourist attraction.  Looked great so away we went. It was 50 miles off the main highway through the mountains that has several 6, 7, 8 and a 10 degree downgrades hills to contend with. Took a while to get there and find the campground where we would park. No services but that’s OK, we don’t need them. Later we went out and had fish (cod) and chips with calamari for dinner. Loved them.

Barkerville Park

Turns out that the town is a theme park, much like Busch Gardens, except it is strictly a historic  gold rush setting with  educational themes. Stories are told and presentations are given on the history of the place. When gold was discovered by Billy Barker at Williams Creek in 1862, the British Columbia gold rush town was born.  The extraordinary town named in  Billy‘s honor, is now the largest authentic heritage attraction in western North America.  There are still five active gold mines in the area.

                      Need a ride?

                                        Nita's basket

Main Street

Angelican Church

Masonic Lodge

Stone crusher/pulverizer

Stove of the times

Our first venture was a vaudeville  style comedy musical of the heyday of the 1860’ies and later  at the Theatre Royal. The theatre was started in 1865 and this replica continues the tradition.

Piano player, Comedian/singer, Multi talented gal, tap dancer and opera singer.

The show  was the funniest one we’ve seen yet. One of the cast, a woman , was very multi talented and played the guitar, mandolin, accordion, and a kazoo, a flute,  and a base fiddle as she sang.  One of the men was a tall, lanky comical actor who portrayed a dog during part of the performance and as a dancer ( comical motion type) as well as play guitar and sing during the rest. One guy sang an operatic rendition and the other older woman tap danced. A good laugh all the way through. Regrettably, they wouldn’t allow photos during the performance.

Since the Chinese is always a part of any gold rush, there was plenty of their presence including a restaurant.(ever met a china man who didn’t own a restaurant? Ha!) “Lung Duck Tong” had very good  food for the crowd it had. Sweet and Sour pork  with Wonton Soup really hit the spot. We watched the swinging doors leading into/out of the kitchen. They seemed to have  a mind of their own. They kept swinging all the time-never stopped, even when no one was going through them. Ghostly!
                             Chinese Restaurant

                         Watch the door move on it's on

We listened to a story teller who told the story, “ The spirit of Cariboo Cameron”,The fascinating story of John Angus” Cariboo Cameron” who’s fortune in gold came at a terrible cost. He had found his fortune three times and made millions  but along the way he lost his wife and daughter. After remarrying and relocating back to America is was accused of killing them for the gold . He died in his sleep. Can’t take it with you. Life is life.

                                      Story teller
Another interesting performance was a school teacher, Ms Bowton, portrayed by   “Corrie” (or Cory), who gave an exceptional performance of how a school teacher of that era might have been . Her strictness with children was evidenced by her actions. I’m sure  she was mostly correct in her methods and it’s a shame we don’t have that sort of discipline in our schools today. Bravo, young lady, you were wonderful.

                         Inside schoolhouse

                     Jesse  and Ms Bowton (Corry)


Wells was founded in 1934 by Fred Wells as the company  town for his Cariboo Gold Quartz Mine and is distinguished by its historic 1930’s buildings and architecture.  It’s only about 6 miles from Barkerville,  is not a theme park, just a touristy town, with a lot of local artist displays and tours of the mines as well as hiking, etc. No photos taken

Tomorrow we leave for home.

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