Saturday, August 2, 2014

Post 7-31-2014 Palmer to Valdez

Post 7-31-2014 Palmer to Valdez

UGH!, SPIT! And whatever. Got up feeling like a drunken bum. Sore throat from coughing all night, sinuses clogged up,high temperature. Just felt horrible. Not much sleep because of the coughing and bladder wanted to empty every Hour. Around 5 A.M. I took more medicines and finally slept til almost 10 o'clock. After getting up I had a banana and still felt queasy.Splitting headache to go with it.

Then I had my extra medicine and my coffee. World starting to look better. Yesterday evening after Tom ‘s concert, we drove a short while until we found a nice wide pull off and got ready for some sleep. Was in bed over 10 hours feeling miserable.

As the morning wore on, I started feeling better so we got underway for Valdez. Still had a couple hundred miles to go. The road spanned across the tundra  and through mountain passes and of course we had up and down and  swerving left-right  to go straight because of the thawed permafrost under the tundra .

 We were rewarded with some spectacular sights of the mountains, lakes  and glaciers and even drove close by a couple. The wind turned chilly as it came off the glacier even though the temp was up to 68 degrees. Just another beautiful Alaska day.

Writings in the mountain with rocks-lovers

Gypsum & Iron Oxide  

Bridal Veil Waterfall

This glacier within touching distance from the road. It's mud filled

A real shocker!. I glanced at my fuel gauge and it read “ZERO”. We were about 80 miles from anywhere--nearest town was Glen Allen. No service stations anywhere. After frantically checking everything I could think of, I shut down the engine. When I re-started it, the gauge started working again. I almost had a heart attack but GOD came through again. I’m so blessed.

Arriving in Valdez, we first decided to stay in a RV park. Actually, we couldn't find a pull off close by. So tonight we will enjoy full comfort in the bus.  I was able to hold down some dinner and now feel a little groggy from my medicationss. So, I quit. See you tomorrow at the earliest.

I did talk with a close relative about their  situation and I ask you to pray for that person. I’ll reveal later the reason. Just pray for their recovery. Also spoke to my son and he is doing well, he says.

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