Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Branson-Last Day


What a wonderful show we saw this evening. It was called "Shoji Tabuchi". That's the fiddler's name and he is  Japanese born  and raised. He  met Roy Acuff  while he was in Japan  on  tour. He fell in love with  country and bluegrass music  after he watched Roy play and sing and while he was taking violin lessons. He  vowed to come to America to learn it. Roy invited him to come see him after he got here. After college he and a friend did just that. He studied to become an American citizen and he has loved this country since the begining.

He played all types of music that included bluegrass, country, pop, classical, 30 ties, 70 ties, Christmas, Japanese, and some really old time tunes. What a magnificent host and musician. He shared the stage with his daughter who was also sensational. She had been on performing on  stage since she was 5 years old. She appeared to be in her mid 20 ties and was expecting her first child. She had spent some time in Nashville getting lessons.

I don't think I've ever seen someone so rapt in his love. Just watching him perform I could tell he was intense and really loved what he was doing. You could feel it in the air.

Branson Part Four

29 April, 2014

Frustrating day. Had an appointment to get the tires balanced and when I got there he was unable to do it. He tried, but he broke his socket while trying to remove the lug nuts. His air gun wasn't strong enough and when he used a lever on a socket, he broke it too. Since he only had one left he stopped. So, we are here until at least Thursday. I have another appointment then whith a different company.

We drove around and just enjoyed the mountainous terrain. No hill was an obstacle when it came to development. They just cut through it, leveled it off and built a building on it. Weather was overcast, cool and windy. DUH! We are in the mountains and wind is expected.  A fellow told Nita that there is usually a couple days every couple years when the wind doesn't blow. LOL

Tonight we took in the "Dublin Irish Tenors and Celtic Ladies". I was a bit disappointed since I  was expecting it to be more like "Celtic Women" that I have seen on TV and live a few times. I just loved those shows. Anyway, they were good. The girls  sang American, Italian, pop, and Opera. The men sang much of the same plus some traditional Irish songs. The last two closing songs were ones  I have known since the eighth grade choir. They were "You'll Never Walk Alone" and " I Believe". Both beautiful songs and their rendition was just perfect.

Again, there was an honoring of we veterans. This time with music and each  of us stood when our branch of service was recognized. I'm amazed. All venues do the same thing even though in a different way. I can see why everyone talks about how great this place is, they love and appreciate home, family, God and country.

They say that Branson has out grown itself and tourism has dropped off. maybe it's because of the economy.  It certainly isn't for lack of talent.  And, these entertainers live and raise their families here.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Branson Part Three

28 April, 2014

AAAHHH such a relief. Today is warm and clear yet a bit breezy. Freshness and spring is in the air Lovely to hear birds chirp in the early morning, bringing on the day.

This afternoon, we took in the performance of "SIX". It was performed at Mickie Gillie's theater. "SIX" is six brothers who have been in Branson seventeen years. Starting out as "five" on the Donnie & Marie Osmond Show, they added little brother when he got old enough. The show was just fantastic. Their stage production was totally vocal. There was background  music when they played a medley of songs from each decade starting with the "fifties" and highlighted a few artists. Naturally, they got the audience involved with the performance as well as a tribute to the military, especially veterans. 
                                      The "SIX" Camaros- color coded for each singer

Every show we have seen here has lauded our veterans and active duty military. Makes me feel so proud of having been active duty for the 32 years that I was. I would do it all over again if called upon. apparently the entire area is conservative and that is great!

Tonight we enjoyed another show at Gilleys'. It was none other than Mickey Gilley himself. What a show! Mickey told his life story as he sang his seventeen hits that made it to no.1 on the billboard.  He sang them in the order of getting there, and told stories behind each song. Among them were "Room Full of Roses", "Stand By Me" and "Bring it on Home to Me" He was voted "Entertainer of the Year  in 1976" and  also scored five ACM awards that year. He acted  in the movie "Urban Cowboy" with John Travolta. 

 Mickey is 78 years old and looks great for his age especially since recovering  from being paralyzed  neck down from a spinal cord injury  that happened  in 2009 while helping a friend move furniture. He backed off a porch and fell. They showed several recordings of different events in his life and all the people he sang with and who were his friends. Conway Twitty and  Loretta Lynn just to name a few. He entertained Presidents Ronald Reagan, George Bush #1, President Ford and many other dignitaries. 

                                                     Mickey's Vet (background our GMC)

  He apparently lives here now since   Gilley's "Honky Tonk" in Pasadena, Texas burnt down and the bar  was razed for a new school.  He has the Bar/restaurant and the theater here where he entertains tourists and 'Branson'ites  three days a week

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Branson Part Two

27 April, 2014

Today was wet and dreary day. Cool, misty, showers, thunderstorms and just plain icky. However, it did warm up a little and the sky cleared some and the wind died down. We went to  the "Showboat Branson Belle" for a dinner, cruise on Table Rock Lake, and entertainment . The boat is 278' long and 78' at the beam (width), 2 twin paddle wheels power it with a 7-1/2 ' draft.. When it was launched after being built at a lakeside shipyard, they used bananas for a lubricant to slide down the waves. Bananas? Yep! Had to be environmentally friendly while preserving the lake. The captains wheel was restored  from the C.C. Slider,  which operated from 1928-1952. It is 10' 2 "and  is of solid Maple and is 10' 2" in diameter.The paddle wheels (2) are 16' across (each) and 27" in diameter.

Showboat gift shop
Showboat  entry
                                                          The Branson Belle

                                                       The steamboat Caliape
Starboard Paddle
The Branson Belle lobby
  Table Rock Lake is an artificial lake  or reservoir created in the Ozarks with the completion of Table Rock Dam on the White River (fed by the King River and James River) by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in  1954-1958. It spans from Southwestern Missouri into Northwestern Arkansas. It took 2 years  to completely fill it after completion and  first flooding.
Table Rock Lake
                               Road over dam ( gates)
The entertainment started out hosted by Christopher James, (stage name, not related), comedian and magician. He had audience participation to help perform several illusions and tricks before a short break and dinner being served. An all-male vocal  group called "The Showmen" sang a medley of old songs  that were made popular by the "Platters" and some "Motown" singers.  
                               Christopher James & girl from audience
 Janice Martin, the worlds only aerial violin player, played and sang solos of American Patriotic songs and performed on two scarfs while playing the violin. Really an outstanding performance. She also performed on the piano.
                                                           Janice Martin

                                           Grand finale
The Rockin Dockers, the Showboat's signature live band provided all the background music and provided dinner music. All the performers sang some patriotic songs since the theme was "Made in the USA".
                                                     The Showmen
                                          A new friend, Gloria,from CA

After the show we drove around and took a few more photos of the original (the riverside area, completely razed and rebuilt from the $$$ days) city/town of Branson.
                                                              Branson Scenic Railroad
                                     Main Street in Old Branson

                                                    New Riverside City Park
                                          Riverside Walking mall (about 4 blocks long)

Branson Missouri

26 April, 2014

FRIDAY. We arrived yesterday (Thursday) after a "bumpy" ride from Springfield due to the (unbalanced tires/loose front end???) or whatever it is. A friend who is here with us looked at the tires and said they appear to be "out of round". The yellow dot is not lined up with the valve stem. Said it is critical for motor home tires. Monday or Tuesday, I going to try re balancing them  one more time before losing my mind .LOL. If that fails, we just may wait here until the 6th and get the front end checked again.

Branson is a city in two conjoined counties in the Ozark Mountains. The city was named after Rueben Branson,postmaster and operator of a general store in the area in the 1880's. 

 We drove  around Thursday  afternoon looking for the theaters' where we have tickets so we wouldn't have to do it on the day we are going there to see a show.  Interesting city. It's built in the mountains and there aren't any level streets here. It's all hills. The main drag (street) has most of the theaters and clubs so the traffic just crawls, especially since they're repairing and paving. Traffic barriers are everywhere. The city is slowly developing new areas where business can expand and help relieve the traffic problem. The new areas are four lanes to ease the traffic flow. Below is a couple photos of theaters in the area.
Titanic Museum

                                                         White House Theater

We enjoyed a stage production of "Jonah" at the "Sight & Sound Theater" early evening. It was a fantastic acting and singing  production of the Biblical story of Jonah and the Whale. The play originated in Lancaster, PA and was brought here at a cost of $17 million and will return to PA after one year. The stage props were absolutely gorgeous and included many live animals that included Burro's, alpacas, Camels, Llamas, horses, goats, African Cow,etc. Moving them about was an engineering marvel. The story followed the Bible, in that Jonah was tasked to take a message to Nineva that they would be destroyed in 40 days, if they did not repent. Jonah went elsewhere to avoid the evil King. The whale and the scene were just spectacular. The play ended in an added flair by everyone repenting and being saved by GOD.  This is a wonderful way to spread the Christian message.  Their motto is "Where the Bible comes to life".

                                                  Lion and the Lamb


Today (Saturday) brought some rain showers in the morning and some clearing up in the afternoon. It was crisp in  the AM and warm the PM. short sleeve weather. AAAHHH. We went to the "Dixie Stampede", a show designed and owned by Dolly Parton. Fantastic and wonderful. It was a dinner show and the food was served "finger  food " style. The menu was Rotisserie Chicken, Hickory Smoked Barbecue Pork Loin, Corn on the cob, Original Creamy Vegetable Soup, Hot Biscuit, Herb-Basted Potato and Flaky Apple Pastry and your choice of water, tea or soft drink."  The sceneiro  of the show was for two sides to compete against each other. The arena was split-one side North and the other- South. All performance was a competition. There was barrel riding racing  competition, carriage races, pig races, buffalo round up, circled wagon singing with log sawing, pole climbing  and water bucket carrying. Certainly an evening of just plain fun for the entire family and one of the more patriotic performances we've seen. GOD Bless Dolly

"Dixie Stampede" originated when Dolly Parton's ancestors moved to Branson in the late 1800's and started a buggy/carriage manufacturing plant. As a competitive past time he started a race to see who could build the best carriage. He won it for the first nine years and then lost to Lee Parton. Turns out that Lee was a female named Dixie Lee, so he courted her and they married. He then re named the race "Dixie Stampede". The tradition  was passed down to Dolly. She built the business in honor of her ancestors and gave it it's name.

Some of the profits go to a free book for all newborns in both counties and continues with a book each month through their fifth year in hopes the mother will read to the child and get them interested in reading early in life. Her mother read to her a lot and spurred her on. Her program is now in several countries and they have given away over 50 million books.What a program and what a humanitarian she is.
                                       Belgian, one of the wagon horses, over 2,000 lbs.
                              Friesian, from the Netherlands beautiful, graceful and nimble for his size.

The show was wonderful, included races, trick riding, singing, dancing and even a pig race.  Very entertaining.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

St Louis, Springfield and Branson

23 April, 2014

 AAAAGGGGHHH. It was one of those days. We left Nashville around 06:30 AM and headed West on
 I 24. As we got out of the city, the fauna turned into the beautiful scenery that we talked about yesterday, so we settled down and took in all in.  About three hours later, Nita took over driving for her shift---two hours  on and two off, when  the front right tire went flat. One of the two I had trued and balanced yesterday. Nita held on while we got off the road. She did extremely well without freaking out. Proud of her. The truck helped stabilize the bus as she slowed down and got off the road. Luckily, we were in front of a truck weighing  station and a mile marker and that made it easier to describe to the Good Sam dispatcher where we were. The service truck was there within 20 minutes and had us on our way within another 30 minutes. Dan, the service man, was  a real professional. He said he had been doing this for thirty years. To watch him work was comforting.
On the road again

We had bought a spare tire in Nashville when we had the front ones re balanced to carry as a spare and "boy"  was it ever  a savior We determined that the flat was caused by poor maintenance by the tire company. They failed to securely tighten the valve stem and it vibrated loose due to the poor re-balancing work. Paduka, KY was only 36 miles ahead so we figured we would stop there and get the new (used) tire balanced. They couldn't do it so we had to drive another three hours to St. Louis, MO to get it taken care of. The company in St Louis was another branch of the company in Nashville. They looked at the rim and were shocked at the way Nashville had balanced the tire The old weights were not removed and they (apparently) just left them on and added more weights. Since the other front tire had been treated the same way and  it was out of line / trim and was eroding ( eating away unevenly) we bought two new tires and had them installed. Unfortunately, we still have a vibration in the front of the bus and we'll have to have it looked at soon.
                                                              Guess Where We Are?
Fields of ????
                                                            St Louis Arch
St Louis

So, off to Branson once again. Having been up since 5:30 AM I was beat, the hours were getting long,  the roads were getting more and more mountainous, the Southwestern sun kept blinding me and later  the night lights glared at me,  so we stopped in Springfield, MO and spent the night in a Walmart Parking lot along with several other trucks. Thursday morning we finished the trip and joined our RV club friends in Branson

                                                     Ripley's Believe it or Not
                                                   Chipmonk on our fence