Saturday, February 1, 2014

Polar Vortex

Friday, 31 Jan, 2014.
Surely,  all of you have about had it with the Polar Vortex and reading all the happenings around Atlanta and Birmingham. But, did you know that Chic_Filet was GIVING away sandwiches to all who came by and all they could send to the stranded motorists. Didn't know? Well no surprise. they are the people who stood their ground about gays, etc, so the news media ignored this gallant deed. PLUS, they choose to close on Sunday because it's the LORD'S day and all employees are allowed to spend it with their families (or church). Also, did you know that Olive Garden was giving away meals too and is providing FREE baby sitter service. NOW you know.

Since being "snowbirds", Jesse and Nita have  been subjected to temperatures from 15 degrees to a high of 65 (today finally) but it is predicted to drop again. It all started in Red Bay, AL when the motor home was taken there for some desired factory repairs and a factory recall. The temp dropped to 15 after raining all day. Everything froze. As the slides were being brought in one had two inches of ice on top and almost ripped the awning. the motor home was left there until after Christmas/New Year holiday. After returning there on 2nd of January, it was more of the same. Thank goodness they winterized the home before it was left there.

Today started out just beautiful. At mid morning temperature was around 50 degrees,  cloudless sky and ice melting on the roofs and street. So, when stepping down from the porch, Jesse stepped on and slipped on the ice, busted his  butt on the steps as he fell and put a bruise on his rib cage. He's o.k. except for his  ego.Thank GOD, no broken bones. Can't afford to break any  at his  age.Takes too long to heal (if it does)

Today included a trip to Pensacola to visit the Naval Hospital to get refills and a new prescription filled. Florida opened the Interstate so the trip was uneventful. Also visited with Ann and Ron and had a great visit. They have a nice fenced yard where I can chase squirrels and bark at the dog next door.  Mom broke down and bought me some food so I didn't starve.  Andrew called to let everyone  talk to Aunt Darlene. She seemed to be in pretty good spirits and I know she was happy Andrew called.  She asked about me and said they could only come back to see her if I came too.  She really loves me, she lets me jump on her bed and cuddle with her.  The nurses call me "therapy puppy" and ask her about me.  I really have a following.

There are some beautiful sunsets on the river. Here is one:

Also forgot to mention with the last post (Amazon) we have bears, wild boars, ospreys, bald eagles,owls and  turkeys along with the usual wildlife such as squirrels and  rabbits.

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