Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Post 9-17-2014 Champaign, IL,and Cinncinniti, OH

Post 9-17-2014 Champaign, IL

Got here today after a long day of driving yesterday. We are running out of time to vacation and get back to Chesapeake for the doctor appointments. We covered around 500 miles and that's darn good in a motor home. We spent the night in a Walmart Shopping center again and it was just great. 

The night before we stayed in a small RV site in a small park in Llewellen, NE. Scraped the bus going through the park  because of a narrow lane through the park. Oh well,  just another(&*&^%$) scratch to get repaired at Tiffin Plant after we get back to Alabama. 

Along the way we must have seen millions of acres of wheat growing in the fields. In fact, that's all we saw for over 700 miles or so. We did pass through an area where they were growing Sugar Cane and there were a few grinding/processing plants with monsterous silos for storage awaiting the trains. Nebraska lived up to the part where all you can see are wheat fields as far as you can see.

We couldn't believe the number of trains we saw. Seems as though they were only 15 minutes apart and with two tracks in most places they were going both directions. Mostly coal cars going East and empty ones going West. In Llewellen, they ran all night long, no let up at all. And of course, they just had to blow the whistle as they passed by. 

Artist sculpture on highway

Rhonda and Dottie, sisters and Nita's cousins, met us at the Walmart parking lot here in Champaign and we went to Cracker Barrell for a very long lunch.  And what a wonderful visit we had.  (Dottie and I were best friends from baby's until I moved to Alabama at the age of 15.  We never had a cross word, much less an argument.  We were too busy having fun.)  Afterwards, we came back to the bus and did some "shopping".  


Three Peas in one pod!

                                                     Love these two gals, they're the best!

Our waitress. 

A young lawyer who is assigned to the  JAG (Judge Advocate General) Staff for recruiting overheard Nita, Rhonda and Dottie talking about Jakes (Perkins) desire to study law and came to the table, introduced himself and gave everyone his calling/business card and provided information about his program and suggested Jake contact him. He was quite the gentleman. 

                                                   Tunde T. Adepegba

Today, (18) we drove to /cinncinniti and met up with an old friend from VP-10 days. John S. "Duke" delaney was my radioman on flight crew in VP-10. He and I roomed together in Iceland and when we flew into Stavenger, Norway and when we had to double up in other cities such as, Oerland, Tronheim  and Bergen, Norway, Copenhagen and Aalberg,  Denmark. He has been such a close friend for all these years (since 1960). He's like a brother to me. I had some extra VP-10 hats and Polo shirts, so I gave him one of each since he was never able to attend any of our squadron reunions. 

Duke Delaney & Jesse James                                                              Nita & Duke

Duke was one of the last "Combat Air Crewmen " in the navy. He flew out planes that had turrets installed from WWII. He had been in the Navy for about 7 years when I joined the squadron. he is a good artist and he painted the logo on our plane. The "Grumbling Goose" serves us well for the three years we flew her. 

Duke Delaney & Jesse James

What a super meeting we had talking about old times and who is still among us from those days. I do look forward to seing him again some day but it will have to be in the near future. Duke is 80 now and has lost his lifetime friend and wife Cora just this year. Over 60 years together. GOD bless you Duke. Hang in there.
Later we drove to Ashland, KY for the night. We'll continue our trip tomorrow.

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