First up was Chris Golden, who is an accomplished gospel song writer and singer He had been a drummer for the Oak Ridge Boys for several years and had been featured on Hee Haw as well as other features with his brother Rusty. He grew up and lives in the Nashville area. He was accompanied by his niece who played the fiddle for him.I was unable to record her name however she was very good for a young (teenage) girl.
Chris Golden
Next up was Jimmy Fortune. We saw Jimmy perform, solo, twice at the Bluegrass Festival at Rhodehaver Boys Ranch in Palatka, FL. Jimmy had been a part of The Statler Brothers and was one of their prime song writers . He wrote several songs that became number one hits. Among those he sang was "Elizabeth", "Flowers on the Wall" " I believe", "Too much on My Heart"" On the Other Side", How Great Thou Art". as well as number one songs the Brothers had recorded. He had several standing ovations. He was later called to the stage to accompany Ronnie McDowell and later T.Graham Brown. Jimmy said he was one of nine siblings and he has seven children in his family. He has a tremendous voice that easily covers all ranges. Jimmy played tribute to all veterans.
Jimmy Fortune
Ronnie McDowell begin the second half of the program.with several gospel songs that included those recorded by Elvis Presley. He has the voice to emulate Elvis and is quite good at it. He said he couldn't sing his favorite song of "Older women make Better lovers","You're gonna Ruin my Bad Reputation" and "All Tied Up" because of the crowd of older church women in the crowd. He presented his son, Tyler Dean who sang a song. We last saw Ronnie at the "Farmer's Opry House in Chumuckla a year or so ago.
Ronnie was presented an award by the Commander, Purple Heart Association of America for his three Purple Hearts awarded to him for duty in Vietnam. The presenter was a recently retired Escambia County Chief of Police and Warren Cook, a retired Escambia County Policeman. For his finalie he joined with Jimmy Fortune and Chris Golden with "American Trilogy as a tribute to all veterans.
Ronnie & Tyler
Ronnie McDowell
Tyler Dean McDowell
Ronnie, Sheriff & Wayne Orr
Purple Heart Plaque Presentation
Ronnie, Chris & Jimmy
Last but certainly not least was our new friend T.Graham Brown .We originally met him and his wife, Sheila at the "Farmers Opry House" along with Ronnie. We became instant friends and we shared parts of our lives about experiencing the same things. Time was short so we weren't able to spend any time with them last night. T. Graham sang some of his favorite Gospel songs and shared parts of the "darker side" of his life and his experience finding GOD. Among his (and our)favorites were "Wine Into Water", "Which Way to Pray", " I Believe ( a new song )"," Old Rugged Cross", "Forever Changed" and "People Get Ready". T. Graham was just himself the entire performance, sharing some humorous experiences. He is a humble, non assuming, grateful son of GOD who has found his way to peace, sobriety and serenity. I was able to give him a personal gift that resembles those traits and love, brotherhood and friendship. It has the power from GOD for them.. HOWEVER, you must keep it in your pocket at all times for it to work. Hope to see you and Sheila soon.
Sheila Brown and Anita James
T.Graham Brown